Sunday, January 20, 2019

A Key to the Kingdom...PRAYER

I shared this picture on social media back in September. It was at that time the Lord began to give me dreams among other things, to confirm what He was saying to me. Prayer is what helped me at that time. 

I began to seek God everyday. Also, I was praying with others who asked me to pray collectively. It became clear, God was confirming to me that I was on the right path toward Him.  

I began to create a new path to set the momentum and the velocity of what God was doing in my life. However, I had to make some changes. Which brings me to my next question:

How do you create a new path through prayer?

First, I needed to narrow down everything around me. Such as, I asked the Lord to define all of my relationships. I realized it was imperative for me to make adjustments to receive what God had for me. Let me reiterate that again, I asked the Lord to define (my relationships). 

It was important that the new path did not look like the old one. We sometimes miss our timing by staying connected to an old path. 

Prayer is the answer to opening your mind and spirit to move toward God. In doing so, creative power will flow through you because of your prayers. Situations will begin to change by accessing a new path through the key of prayer.  

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