Sunday, January 13, 2019

Walking out a path of faith...

How many of you want more? I ask this question because although many of us say we want more, however, we have not done what it takes to achieve what we want?

I have discovered that wanting and achieving are very different. Wanting is a desire of something you hope for. Whereas, achieving is the result of actually fulfilling the hope of what you desired.

There is a requirement that separates those who want and those who achieve their goals.

Which leads me to my next question:

What steps have you taken since you prayed and asked God for the desires of your heart?

The Voice of Purpose creates a new path by faith, through prayer and intercession. However, what good is it to create a new path and not walk out the steps required to fulfill your desired victory?  

"Faith without works is dead" (James 2:14-26)  

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