Thursday, June 13, 2019

My list of things I'm grateful for

Do any of you use list to get things done? Well, I believe most of us use some sort of list in our daily routines. We usually have grocery lists and other types of to do lists.

Well anyway, on yesterday I shared about my colleague at work who uses a list of things to be grateful for. Read this post from yesterday.

However, I decided this was something that I needed in my life. I have been seeking the Lord about unanswered prayers and I believe the answer God was also giving me was in my perception. I needed to change what I was focusing on. I needed to refocus on the things I was grateful for and not what I have not yet received.

Once I started my list of all the things I was grateful for, my attitude totally changed and so did my expectation. My thoughts went from what I wanted to what I have already received. I believe this is where faith and hope collide.

Now, I am at peace and I'm still in expectancy of everything I am believing God for, however, the excitement in the journey has shifted to joy. Which brings me to my next questions.

Have you prayed for something that is unanswered?

And if so, are you still expecting an answer from God?

Better yet, what does your expectation look like?

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