Monday, December 30, 2019

Are You Brave Enough to Be Set Free?

Have you ever been in a place where you were working toward something and things are just moving slow, almost to a standstill? Well, this is where I have recently found myself. I just could not figure out why things were not flowing.

Anyway, I woke the day after Christmas and out of the blue had a water clog in my bathroom sink. This didn't make sense because there was no water running, yet water was backing up into my sink. Of course I broke out my plunger to fix the clog and it didn't move. I then started bailing out the water to empty the sink. In hopes that this would help.

However, after doing so, I leave the bathroom for a while, only to later return to a sink filled with water again and a large amount of hair in the sink. Not to mention how disgusted I was. I then decided I needed to go to the hardware store and purchase a machine to snake the clog. But before I left, I stood at the sink looking at this clog and I was strongly impressed to pray.   

My prayer was "Lord, could this clog be a revelation? Does this blockage represent something preventing free flow in the lives of people?" At that moment I just knew. I began to decree, yes, it was exactly what God was revealing to me. Yet there was something else God wanted me to take notice of. This clog was because of someone else.

To make a long story short, my neighbor, who has connecting plumbing to my bathroom, was having plumbing problems and her issues affected my plumbing. My neighbor called the plumber and the problem was resolved. The only thing I needed to do was let the plumber check my sink to confirm the free flow in my bathroom.

I said all of that to say this, in the same way we can create clogs within our drains, we can also become clogged in the spirit. However, in my situation, I believe God was showing me there are people who are causing the clogs or interruptions in my life. People that I love very much. Reluctantly, I had to let go. I finally came to a resolve within myself, if I continued to hold on, I would never move forward.

Sometimes we have to be brave enough to let go of what we hoped things would be, so that we can position ourselves to receive the very best of what God really has for us.

So I leave you with this to ponder....Can two walk together unless they are agreed? (Amos 3:3)


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